Women’s Issues

Seeking Online Counseling: Common Reasons for Remote Therapy

By |2024-07-26T11:34:21+00:00July 12th, 2024|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Women’s Issues|

Have you ever wondered if there was a way to find reputable Christian online counseling? You want to get help, but you are just not sure you want to go in person. Maybe you are unable to physically leave your house for medical reasons and you need to talk to a counselor. There are ways you can find the best online therapy to fit your needs. Common reasons for online therapy Some people are just not comfortable in public They could be suffering from social anxiety and getting out of the house is difficult for them. Whatever the reason, some people choose to access therapy online. It is more convenient When you are in the middle of your work day and you want to save driving time, you may consider online therapy. From a site or app, you can log in, verify your counselor, and have a session in the amount of time it would take you to drive to their location. Online is more comfortable When it comes to technology, society has grown comfortable with more interaction online. Email and webinars are everyday terms in today’s mainstream workplace. That means that more people are becoming more relaxed when it comes to talking to a counselor via video. Things to look for regarding online counseling As you begin your search for an online counselor, you want to be sure you are going to find one that is reputable. Today, there are so many scams that could cause you a windfall of financial problems. It is wise to research any counselor that you are thinking about inviting into your private life. Licensed by the state The most important thing you should consider when you are seeking online counseling is to be sure the counselor is licensed. The counselor should be [...]

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What It Feels Like to Have Postpartum Blues

By |2024-05-13T19:29:34+00:00May 13th, 2024|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling, Women’s Issues|

As complex, interesting, frustrating, talented, and everything in between as we may be, there is one thing all people have in common, and that’s the fact that we were all born of a woman and are all a miracle given to the world by God. The psalmist loudly proclaims: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – Psalms 139:13-14, NIV There is likely no greater joy than the creation of a new life. It is something joyful, marvelous, and mysterious even though we know so much about how human beings are conceived and developed in utero. Though the process of carrying and giving birth to a child is often anxiety-inducing, not to mention painful, there is joy in the aftermath. Understanding postpartum blues Welcoming a child into the world is meant to be a joyful occasion – after all, a new human being is alive and among us. However, while that may be the experience of the majority, it’s not that way for everyone. Postpartum blues, which is another way of talking about the “baby blues” is a common problem that affects a lot of women. Baby blues affect anywhere between 50% and 75% of women after delivery, and they usually begin within the first 2-3 days after delivery and may last for up to two weeks. There are some similarities between the baby blues and postpartum depression; however, the symptoms of baby blues last about two weeks and are less intense than those of postpartum depression. Typically, the symptoms of baby blues will disappear on their own without treatment. With postpartum depression, the symptoms last weeks or months, and the symptoms are [...]

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Treatment for Emotional Eating: Options to Try

By |2023-11-09T10:48:10+00:00June 27th, 2023|Eating Disorders, Featured, Individual Counseling, Weight Loss, Women’s Issues|

Emotional eating is an issue for many people as stress is a major factor. We turn to sweet and salty snacks to get through stressful events or for comfort after a long day. Have you ever found yourself eating when you are not hungry? Instead, a dreaded phone call, toxic relationship, work burnout, or deadline causes us to seek the serotonin rush of comfort food. There are tasks and lifestyle changes you can implement to stop emotional eating. Tips to stop emotional eating If you find yourself in a pattern of emotional eating at least twice a week for six months or more, you may need professional guidance to help you overcome the urges and behavioral pattern. Counseling can help you learn how to manage your stress more effectively. For example, if your emotional eating is rooted in anger, your counselor may suggest anger management and conflict resolution methods. Emotional eating typically follows a trigger, not just a habit. The trigger may be a negative thought or emotion. When you can identify those thoughts and emotions that send you into a tailspin, you are more likely to overcome emotional eating by reframing those into positive beliefs and feelings and changing your behavior. Hit pause. When you feel the overwhelming urge to turn to food, ask yourself why. Take a moment to pause and reflect on what is driving your behavior. What thoughts are going through your mind? Is it a limiting belief? For example, if you have a deadline looming, are you telling yourself that you can never meet it, so why try? Do you say negative things about yourself? Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs can leave you anxious and depressed, and these emotions are triggers for emotional eating. Journal. Changing your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions may take work [...]

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10 Common Causes of Depression in Women

By |2023-11-09T10:46:21+00:00May 5th, 2023|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling, Women’s Issues|

An estimated twelve million women suffer from depression in the United States annually. Although most patients range from ages twenty-five to forty-four, women going through the menopausal transition in their fifties can also develop depression due to decreased hormones. The causes of depression in women are numerous, but one thing is clear: depression should be treated as soon as possible. Causes of depression in women Women, including teenage girls between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, suffer from depression more than males the same age. In people aged twenty-five to forty-four, women develop depression at a rate of 2:1 more than men. In addition, fluctuating hormones contribute to many cases of depression in the U.S. each year, including Postpartum Depression, Premenstrual Dysphoric Depression, and depression brought on by menopause. But the causes of depression don’t stop at hormones. Factors like environment, family history, and life events play a role. When these factors compound, your likelihood of developing depression increases. Once you know what to expect, you can consult your physician about your increased risk. The following is a list of common causes of depression in women. Hormonal issues. Hormonal changes, such as too much or too little estrogen or progesterone, can increase your risk for depression. This is due to these hormones helping to regulate serotonin and other neurotransmitters that leave you feeling happy. Often the causes of depression can be traced to a hormonal imbalance. First, your physician can run bloodwork to determine if there is a hormone issue. Then, the doctor may prescribe hormonal supplementation if needed. Changes in hormones can also create other emotional problems that may require counseling. Grief. Grief is a process, a journey through stages that include denial (shock), anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, grief is rarely linear. You can experience the [...]

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