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Understanding Mental Wellness: 4 Key Areas

By |2023-12-29T12:31:02+00:00December 29th, 2023|Coaching, Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development|

There are so many conversations revolving around mental wellness. It seems like there is a rise in the diagnosis of various mental health disorders. This makes it important to understand what mental wellness means. A variety of areas can be included in mental wellness. Mental wellness is not about being happy all the time. It is a balance of mind, body, emotions, and lifestyle. Keeping these four areas of ourselves in harmony in such a way that we can navigate the situations in life is how we experience it. It is being able to understand and accept our abilities to endure stress and attain personal peace. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. – John 14:27, NIV Those diagnosed with a mental health disorder can maintain healthy mental wellness. Being able to maintain a positive mental outlook doesn’t depend on the illness. It is a result of understanding how well the person can handle life events. What are the four key areas of mental wellness? Because it is not simply based on the diagnosis of a mental illness, it is important to understand how the mind, body, emotions, and lifestyle play a part in the wellness of a person. Area of the mind. Our mind is a big part of mental health. It is where we learn and understand how we interact with the world around us. A healthy mind is dealing with stressors and understanding how our reaction to them can affect other areas of our well-being. A mental illness doesn’t always prohibit this ability. Proper treatment of mental illness can increase the ability to cope with stress and develop skills to react [...]

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How Codependency Affects Children

By |2024-04-05T08:35:55+00:00November 16th, 2023|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Codependency, Family Counseling, Featured|

Within the family, codependency can have a significant impact on children. From their emotional well-being and development to current and future relationships, codependency has a deep impact on how children grow to view themselves and others. Codependent behavior can feel complex, which is why it is helpful to understand how codependency can influence children. Codependency can be a learned behavior. One of the most significant modes of learning for children is copying what they see. As a child observes their parents, they learn about how to behave and interact with others. When a parent models codependent behavior, children learn unhealthy behaviors by observing the parent. Witnessing codependent behaviors can lead children to internalize these patterns. The patterns they learn can end up affecting future relationships as children carry them into their teen years and adulthood. The emotional impact of codependency. Every child experiences different emotions based on their unique tendencies, how they are raised, and the circumstances in which they live. When a child grows up in a codependent household they can sometimes feel responsible for the well-being of their parent or another family member. This can lead to experiencing an array of emotions, including confusion, anxiety, guilt, shame, and resentment. Loss of individuality from codependency. As a child grows up in a codependent home, they learn to prioritize the needs of others over their own. This shifts the focus from developing a sense of self as they are always concerned about the other person. As the child grows they may find it difficult to form their own identity. Codependency leads to a lack of boundaries. The lines between personal boundaries are often blurred in codependent relationships. The lack of personal boundaries being modeled for the child can make it difficult to understand how to implement them later in [...]

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What is Infidelity? The Nature and Impact

By |2023-11-13T13:59:51+00:00November 13th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Infidelity and Affairs, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

The best of relationships isn’t perfect. Even happy couples have their fair share of squabbles, miscommunication, or points of frustration. Of the many challenges to a relationship that a couple can encounter, infidelity is likely one of the more distressing. According to recent statistics, infidelity is one of the leading causes of divorce. Around 60% of couples cite a partner’s unfaithfulness as a reason their marriage ended. Getting a handle on what infidelity is and why it affects a marriage so deeply will help couples navigate these tricky waters if they ever find themselves there. Marriage has boundaries. In our culture, relationships take a variety of shapes and are meant to meet different needs. Marriage is, at least from a Christian perspective, a monogamous relationship that brings a man and a woman into a lifelong commitment. This commitment and mutual love are a mirror of the love and respect shared between Jesus Christ and the Church. Marital faithfulness is a reminder and picture of the exclusive relationship Jesus has with His people (Ephesians 5:22-33). The reality of this is why, whenever God’s people decide to worship anything other than God, it is called spiritual adultery (1 John 2:15-17; James 4:4-5; Jeremiah 3:20). Our marriages give us a reference point and language for understanding what is happening when we worship something that isn’t the Creator. It marks the marriage relationship itself as a distinct relationship that’s meant to be exclusive. In this situation, when one party fails to fulfill the obligation of exclusivity, trust can be lost, and the marriage may be irretrievably broken. Even for relationships that don’t fit the pattern of Christian marriage, the relationship has some sort of boundary whose transgression implies infidelity. There is an innate sense that certain relationships require exclusivity of some kind to [...]

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Do Christian Online Counseling Services Work

By |2023-08-16T16:01:38+00:00August 16th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Online counseling or traditional face-to-face counseling? How do you choose? Are online counseling services effective? Research shows that people respond to virtual counseling well and are more likely to adhere to attendance. In addition, being able to log on with a counselor on their schedule makes virtual counseling suitable for today’s busy Americans. Why people choose online counseling services. Our world is fast and busy. We may rise at 4:00 a.m. and fight sleep past midnight trying to do one more thing. People choose online counseling services for convenience. We already tote around our phones for everything, including checking emails, texts, social media, news, and calls. Online counseling services through a cell, tablet, or laptop are not a stretch of the imagination. With the virtual option, you have a counselor right in your pocket. Researchers are finding that online counseling is just as effective as in-person counseling. However, the effects of face-to-face interaction may last longer and have a more positive outcome. If you have a severe mental condition, you may need in-person counseling until your condition is under control. Many people try a hybrid approach. For example, a client may meet with their counselor once or twice monthly for a face-to-face session so that the counselor can gauge the client’s behavioral cues. The counselor may then arrange for the client to meet with them virtually once a week as a check-in session. The client might also email or text for extra support when needed. Forms of therapy. Your counselor will assess your needs and determine the best course of action to help you heal or work through an issue. Psychotherapy (talk therapy) is still the most common form of treatment. The counselor helps you get to the root of your negative thoughts, emotions, or behavior. They may suggest [...]

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Treatment for Emotional Eating: Options to Try

By |2023-11-09T10:48:10+00:00June 27th, 2023|Eating Disorders, Featured, Individual Counseling, Weight Loss, Women’s Issues|

Emotional eating is an issue for many people as stress is a major factor. We turn to sweet and salty snacks to get through stressful events or for comfort after a long day. Have you ever found yourself eating when you are not hungry? Instead, a dreaded phone call, toxic relationship, work burnout, or deadline causes us to seek the serotonin rush of comfort food. There are tasks and lifestyle changes you can implement to stop emotional eating. Tips to stop emotional eating If you find yourself in a pattern of emotional eating at least twice a week for six months or more, you may need professional guidance to help you overcome the urges and behavioral pattern. Counseling can help you learn how to manage your stress more effectively. For example, if your emotional eating is rooted in anger, your counselor may suggest anger management and conflict resolution methods. Emotional eating typically follows a trigger, not just a habit. The trigger may be a negative thought or emotion. When you can identify those thoughts and emotions that send you into a tailspin, you are more likely to overcome emotional eating by reframing those into positive beliefs and feelings and changing your behavior. Hit pause. When you feel the overwhelming urge to turn to food, ask yourself why. Take a moment to pause and reflect on what is driving your behavior. What thoughts are going through your mind? Is it a limiting belief? For example, if you have a deadline looming, are you telling yourself that you can never meet it, so why try? Do you say negative things about yourself? Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs can leave you anxious and depressed, and these emotions are triggers for emotional eating. Journal. Changing your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions may take work [...]

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How ADHD in Children Can Make Life More Complicated

By |2023-11-09T10:42:50+00:00June 5th, 2023|ADHD/ADD, Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured|

If your child is restless, impulsive, and has trouble concentrating, you may jump to the conclusion that he or she has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Read on to better understand ADHD in children. ADHD in children Many little children leap before they look. They run and jump, scream and shout, trip and get up again. They sometimes struggle to hear the directions given on how to complete a task, and even once started, there is no guarantee that they will finish the job. ADHD is different from the very normal stages of emotional and cognitive development children grow through as they age. While symptoms can be noticed earlier, ADHD in children often becomes especially pronounced when the child is faced with change, such as starting school or moving home. ADHD in children is often revealed when the child is unusually active, with the tendency to squirm in his or her seat or fidget with whatever is in front of him or her. Listening to, understanding, and following instructions seem to be abnormally difficult. The child with ADHD is characterized by careless mistakes, being absentminded and forgetful, unorganized, and hyperactive. Most cases of ADHD are recognized when the child is younger than 12 years old, although it can be diagnosed later in life, even as an adult. While the symptoms of ADHD most times get better with age, most adults with ADHD were recognized to have it while children and continue to experience the limitations the condition forces upon them. ADHD can also be seen in seemingly unrelated problems such as trouble sleeping or suffering from anxiety. How to assist children with ADHD It is natural for most children to at times feel restless or bored – and this does not predispose them to ADHD. If you are concerned [...]

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From the Heart: Healing Communication from the Inside Out

By |2023-11-09T10:43:43+00:00May 9th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

It is impossible to navigate this life without communication with other humans. Connection and the need for it are what bring people together. The lack of it, unfortunately, is often what can drive a wedge, forcing apart the closest of relationships. Our connection is enhanced by communication, that is the release and receipt of messages, both verbal and non-verbal. We employ sounds, gestures, and facial expressions to convey our meaning and gather messages in our communication with others. Somewhere in our contact with others, we will encounter conflict. As much as we might try to circumvent it, it can seem impossible. Billions of people populate the world, though one God created and formed each of us in His image. Yet as consistent as He is, He created us with such diversity. Within the realm of differences, we sometimes butt up against each other. Instead of our difference being a place where we celebrate the Father’s various facets of His person into humanity, we long for sameness. We enter a conflict ourselves, wanting to fit in and be like others. Yet, when we interact with others who are not like us, we persecute them as being inherently wrong. Essentially, pride and fear are at work, persuading us to make others over in our image instead of celebrating God’s image in each of us. This prompts us to spar with each other, leading to contention instead of cultivating connection, and gaining the traction to release more of the knowledge of God’s glory into the earth. Communication to solve people problems. While it seems that this clamoring would be a “world” problem, far too often, those of us who are members of the worldwide church war and fight one another unnecessarily. This isn’t new; it’s an age-old people problem. Several of the apostles [...]

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10 Common Causes of Depression in Women

By |2023-11-09T10:46:21+00:00May 5th, 2023|Depression, Featured, Individual Counseling, Women’s Issues|

An estimated twelve million women suffer from depression in the United States annually. Although most patients range from ages twenty-five to forty-four, women going through the menopausal transition in their fifties can also develop depression due to decreased hormones. The causes of depression in women are numerous, but one thing is clear: depression should be treated as soon as possible. Causes of depression in women Women, including teenage girls between the ages of fourteen and eighteen, suffer from depression more than males the same age. In people aged twenty-five to forty-four, women develop depression at a rate of 2:1 more than men. In addition, fluctuating hormones contribute to many cases of depression in the U.S. each year, including Postpartum Depression, Premenstrual Dysphoric Depression, and depression brought on by menopause. But the causes of depression don’t stop at hormones. Factors like environment, family history, and life events play a role. When these factors compound, your likelihood of developing depression increases. Once you know what to expect, you can consult your physician about your increased risk. The following is a list of common causes of depression in women. Hormonal issues. Hormonal changes, such as too much or too little estrogen or progesterone, can increase your risk for depression. This is due to these hormones helping to regulate serotonin and other neurotransmitters that leave you feeling happy. Often the causes of depression can be traced to a hormonal imbalance. First, your physician can run bloodwork to determine if there is a hormone issue. Then, the doctor may prescribe hormonal supplementation if needed. Changes in hormones can also create other emotional problems that may require counseling. Grief. Grief is a process, a journey through stages that include denial (shock), anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. However, grief is rarely linear. You can experience the [...]

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Bible Verses About Trusting God

By |2023-11-09T10:47:16+00:00April 29th, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Spiritual Development|

A huge part of what it means to be a grown-up is to know how to stand on your own two feet. As you mature you ought to be able to know how to pay your bills, earn an income, build healthy relationships, and learn how to effectively handle conflicts in relationships, trusting God to mature you as you grow in sanctification. A deepening executive function, meaning the ability to make plans and then take steps to execute those plans to achieve your goals, ought to come with growing up. While it’s important to avoid codependence, healthy independence does not mean that you don’t or cannot rely on others in life. It’s impossible to go through life without some measure of dependence on others. Our lives are so interwoven with others’ lives that we cannot live an isolated existence, and it’s not healthy to do so. Healthy independence allows you to make your own decisions, but to seek wisdom from others because you understand your limits. This matters all the more when it comes to God and how we live our lives. We cannot flourish without trusting others. Being in loving relationships with others means entrusting ourselves to them. You can’t cultivate intimacy without being vulnerable, and you can’t be vulnerable without trusting the other person with yourself. Our relationships and lives cannot thrive without trust, but the key is whom you trust. Some people break our trust, and that can make us bitter and unwilling to trust again. The one who deserves our wholehearted trust is God. God is trustworthy, but it doesn’t come easy for many people to trust Him. Disappointment and hurt can lead a person to distrust God. It is important to remember that no matter how we feel, God always keeps His word. God [...]

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The Basic Effects of Trauma

By |2023-03-30T19:05:12+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Trauma|

This article is an overview of how trauma is understood and how it may affect your mental health. It discusses the effects of trauma, lists some treatment options and discusses how to remove barriers that prevent you from securing the correct type of support. This article is also relevant to readers who want to be a better support to those who have undergone trauma. It will be useful to start with the question of the basic effects of trauma. After all, it seems that many of us are either in one of three life stages when it comes to life’s difficulties: we are either entering a tough time, in the middle of one or coming out of one. Now, as you can expect, trauma has a different impact on each person. This includes the ways our bodies respond to danger, the impact that trauma often has on mental health, the link between trauma and physical health problems, and other factors. There are quite broad touch points on trauma, so it is likely that you will have experienced or witnessed in others some of the impacts which appear in the article, and quite likely some others that are not mentioned. The ways our bodies respond to danger. Cortisol and adrenaline are both hormones that our bodies instinctively release when we are feeling stressed or threatened. Trauma is an involuntary and natural response by our bodies to help us prepare to respond to danger. These hormones will affect different people in different ways. Experts have coined these reactions in the following ways: fawn, fight, flight, flop, and freeze. Fawn – attempts to placate the one who is harming you. Fight – being belligerent, struggling, or dissenting. Flight – getting away from the danger and threat of trauma. Flop – simply obeying the [...]

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