Have you ever wondered if there was a way to find reputable Christian online counseling? You want to get help, but you are just not sure you want to go in person. Maybe you are unable to physically leave your house for medical reasons and you need to talk to a counselor. There are ways you can find the best online therapy to fit your needs.

Common reasons for online therapy

Some people are just not comfortable in public

They could be suffering from social anxiety and getting out of the house is difficult for them. Whatever the reason, some people choose to access therapy online.

It is more convenient

When you are in the middle of your work day and you want to save driving time, you may consider online therapy. From a site or app, you can log in, verify your counselor, and have a session in the amount of time it would take you to drive to their location.

Online is more comfortable

When it comes to technology, society has grown comfortable with more interaction online. Email and webinars are everyday terms in today’s mainstream workplace. That means that more people are becoming more relaxed when it comes to talking to a counselor via video.

Things to look for regarding online counseling

As you begin your search for an online counselor, you want to be sure you are going to find one that is reputable. Today, there are so many scams that could cause you a windfall of financial problems. It is wise to research any counselor that you are thinking about inviting into your private life.

Licensed by the state

The most important thing you should consider when you are seeking online counseling is to be sure the counselor is licensed. The counselor should be licensed in the state in which you live. To check the validity of their license, you must know the physical location of the counselor.

Specialized areas of counseling

Since there are specialized counselors you will want to be sure that you are looking for the one that will offer you the right services. Here are some of the areas of specialty for counselors:

  • Depression/anxiety.
  • Individual.
  • Marriage.
  • Teens/children.
  • Trauma.
  • Mental disorders.

These are just a few of the areas, in which Christian counselors can assist those who need services regarding mental health. A good Christian counselor will incorporate faith-based techniques into the treatment plan.

Type of communication

Since the pandemic hit in 2020, there has been a huge change in how medical professionals reach out to their patients. Before this time, the online availability of counselors was not as high as it has grown to be. Because of this increase, there are a few ways you can choose to communicate with your counselor. The preference depends on what you are comfortable with when it comes to sharing online.

You may prefer to meet via video once a month and communicate through text or email during other times. The choice should be made based on what will create the best online therapy program for you. You may decide that you would like more meetings via video and less texting. The choice is yours and can be discussed with the counselor once you have made your choice.

You may also want to consider if you are going to be okay with multiple counselors. The counselor may be a part of an overall counseling services group which may mean that you will talk to different counselors.

Need for medicine consultation

If you are currently prescribed any type of medication by a psychiatrist, you may not be able to receive those from online therapy. However, you may be able to set up routine appointments online with a psychiatric service in your area. Because you will need to be physically monitored when you are on medication, you will need to attend in-person appointments at regular intervals.

Security of the meeting platform

Another important item to consider is how you will be meeting with the counselor. Today we have many ways to connect with other people via video. There is software such as Zoom as well as apps such as FaceTime. The security of the platform is important so that you are not putting your privacy at risk of being distributed to other places, such as the Internet.

You want to be sure that your personal information stays with the office and that the site or app has HIPPAA compliances in place. You also want to be sure that you can confirm identities for yourself and your counselor.

Issues with online therapy

Even though there are great reasons for choosing online therapy, there are some downfalls to seeking counseling services online.

Insurance coverage may not apply

Before you settle on seeking online therapy, you should make sure your insurance company will cover the payments. If not, then you may want to be sure that the payment is something that can be managed.

Issues with out-of-state counselors

Some states may not allow you to seek online assistance from a counselor who is not licensed in your state. However, you may find that some counselors can provide services for a certain amount of time. After which you would have to terminate the treatment plan.

Crises and response

You may have the best online therapy, but when a crisis arises the counselor may not be able to assist you. Some situations require a face-to-face meeting with your counselor. If you have only been meeting online, then the response to crises could prove to be extremely difficult.

Not recommended for serious mental illness

If you have been diagnosed with a complex mental illness, it is not recommended that you attempt to use online counseling. The scope of online therapy can only provide a certain level of treatment.

Unseen signals

When you are using text messaging for therapy sessions, the counselor has no way of seeing your body language or facial expressions. These two behavior indicators are critical when it comes to online counseling. If the counselor cannot see you then there may be signals that are missed during the session that need to be addressed.

Can online Christian counseling help me?

As with anything else, online Christian counseling can be helpful when you are being honest in applying yourself to the situation. When you choose to be honest with your counselor, you will come away from the session feeling refreshed and lighter. This is true whether you are meeting in person or online.

Finding the right Christian counselor who will safely offer the appropriate attention can equip you with the right techniques to overcome situations. An online counselor can be just as effective at helping you reach your goals as an in-person counselor.

How do I get started?

Once you have checked with insurance and made the decision to seek online counseling, the next step is to be sure you have the right equipment to maintain successful sessions with the counselor of your choice. The equipment needed is minimal, but vital.

  • Secure and reliable internet connection.
  • Phone, tablet, or computer that has the correct audio and video abilities.

After choosing your counselor to receive the best online therapy you may consider meeting with them initially face-to-face. This will give you an idea of how well you will be able to interact with them. This is vital to your online therapy. Once everything is in place you can schedule your sessions and begin to work toward your goals.

If you feel that you need face-to-face help during a crisis, be sure to reach out to your counselor. If they are unreachable, you may need to reach out to a local counseling service.

“Working From Home”, Courtesy of Getty Images, Unsplash.com, Unsplash+ License; “Using the Phone”, Courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Remote Work”, Courtesy of Sergey Zolkin, Unsplash.com, CC0 License; “Screen Call”, Courtesy of Dylan Ferreira, Unsplash.com, CC0 License