Online counseling or traditional face-to-face counseling? How do you choose? Are online counseling services effective? Research shows that people respond to virtual counseling well and are more likely to adhere to attendance. In addition, being able to log on with a counselor on their schedule makes virtual counseling suitable for today’s busy Americans.

Why people choose online counseling services.

Our world is fast and busy. We may rise at 4:00 a.m. and fight sleep past midnight trying to do one more thing. People choose online counseling services for convenience. We already tote around our phones for everything, including checking emails, texts, social media, news, and calls. Online counseling services through a cell, tablet, or laptop are not a stretch of the imagination. With the virtual option, you have a counselor right in your pocket.

Researchers are finding that online counseling is just as effective as in-person counseling. However, the effects of face-to-face interaction may last longer and have a more positive outcome. If you have a severe mental condition, you may need in-person counseling until your condition is under control.

Many people try a hybrid approach. For example, a client may meet with their counselor once or twice monthly for a face-to-face session so that the counselor can gauge the client’s behavioral cues. The counselor may then arrange for the client to meet with them virtually once a week as a check-in session. The client might also email or text for extra support when needed.

Forms of therapy.

Your counselor will assess your needs and determine the best course of action to help you heal or work through an issue. Psychotherapy (talk therapy) is still the most common form of treatment. The counselor helps you get to the root of your negative thoughts, emotions, or behavior. They may suggest affirmations or positive reactions to a trigger.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is widely used to treat various mental disorders effectively. With CBT, you will pinpoint negative thoughts and analyze the emotions behind negative behaviors. Then, you will learn how to reframe those thoughts and change behaviors.

Individual sessions.

Most virtual sessions are individual counseling sessions between you and your counselor. Choose a quiet place with little distraction to discuss private matters and feel open to sharing. For example, in your bedroom or an office where you do not have to worry about someone overhearing or walking through the room.

The benefit of an individual session is that you can build a rapport with the counselor until it feels like you are visiting a friend. The more you enjoy the sessions, the more likely you are to adhere to a treatment program.

Couple sessions.

If you are seeking couples or marriage therapy, couples counseling sessions will benefit you. The two of you schedule your session to meet the needs of your family’s life. The counselor will listen to both parties and offer suggestions on specific concerns. With virtual, the counselor can see each person and how they interact.

Your counselor may assign homework to help you navigate issues and resolve conflicts. You might be asked to report any feedback after implementing the suggestions at your next session. By attending sessions together, the counselor can see both sides of an issue objectively.

Family therapy.

Therapy sessions can expand into family counseling. Any issue that affects the family qualifies for family therapy. For example, suppose one family member struggles with addiction like gambling, alcohol, or substance abuse. In that case, the entire family may seek therapy to learn how to help their loved one and not enable the behavior.

Family therapy is also effective for blended families. For example, if you have recently remarried, family counseling can help you, your spouse, your children, and his children to learn how to adapt to the new structure. These sessions are best for virtual calls where the counselor can see the family simultaneously.

Group therapy.

Group therapy works well with common mental conditions or behaviors. For example, clients with eating disorders may find solace and information by sharing their stories with others struggling with the same condition. In addition, you can find group therapy sessions for many topics, including depression, anxiety, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sexual addiction, gambling, PTSD, postpartum depression, and more.

Depending on the hosting counselor, group therapy in a virtual setting may look like virtual calls with or without a camera. You may meet with others from nearby cities within your state.

Signing up for online counseling services.

If online counseling services sound like an option for you, reach out to our office today at Rockwall Christian Counseling in Texas to schedule an appointment. Try it and see if virtual is a good fit for you.

“Working Woman”, Courtesy of Daniel Thomas,, CC0 License; “Woman Using Laptop”, courtesy of Jenny Ueberberg,, CC0 License; “Online Meeting”, Courtesy of Diva Plavalaguna,, CC0 License