Are you one of those people who love challenges? A challenge can push you out of your comfort zone, yet it still has a realistic goal. Typically, after a challenge, you are better than you were before. People join challenges for everything from eating according to a specific diet plan to playing a game to reading a certain number of books to self-improvement.

Have you ever done a self-improvement challenge with yourself? Self-improvement is the study of your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, patterns, and mindset. It is identifying your strengths and weaknesses and working to build your skills to bring value to the marketplace and your life. Read on about how you can challenge yourself and your growth in the area of self-improvement.

Ways to take on a self-improvement challenge

A self-improvement challenge consists of you challenging yourself to be better, learn more, and prime your mindset for growth. Growth in the area of self-improvement can open doors to new opportunities, heal relationships, and reach goals you never thought possible.

A challenge is more fun with other people. Do you have a friend who would like to grow in personal development? How about a family member or a team? Make sure they understand that the objective is to better themselves, not each other. The following is a list of ways you can start on the journey to self-improvement.

Kick fear away.

Do you know what stops more people from reaching their goals? It is fear. Different forms of fear in the disguise of self-doubt keep people from realizing their true potential. It makes you second guess a decision to learn something new or take a risk. It makes you nervous at the thought of public speaking. Fear creates anxiety in your mind, heart, and soul when you try to step out for God.

No wonder the Bible commands us not to fear. It is a human emotion that we take to the extreme. We allow it to take tangible forms and bend our perception of reality.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.Joshua 1:9, NIV

The more you learn about the thing you fear, you take away its power over you. Afraid of public speaking? Take a speech course. Fearful of what people will think of you if you launch your own business or take up modeling? Seek out the help of a counselor to dig up why you harbor the fear of rejection and learn ways to overcome it.

Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.George Addair

Study successful people.

You need to define what success means to you. Is it helping a thousand people receive food? Is it being able to work at home with your family present? Is it finding financial freedom and giving to others? Your definition of success is personal to you and may change as you grow.

Think of the people you know in an area or industry where you want to succeed over the next several years. You do not need to know them personally. You can learn all about them online and through books and videos.

Study what they did and said. Study their processes, methods, and philosophy. As you study more people, notice what they have in common. Is it a particular routine or pattern? Is it a belief? Make a list and apply the principles to your own life.

Read daily.

As you make your list of successful people to study, also pay attention to any books they recommend. What you focus on grows. By reading part of a self-improvement book every day, you are planting seeds in your mind. These seeds will take root, and you will begin to live the life you want, even if you have not received the level of success you are aiming for yet.

You will find your mindset shifting, and your posture will change. You may begin to exude confidence and make eye contact with others. Snippets from the books may become your philosophy. When you consistently practice the discipline of reading personal development books and studying successful people, it will change who you are and reinvent the way you think about yourself.

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.Jim Rohn

Success is not to be pursued. It is to be attracted by the person you become. – Jim Rohn

Take a new class.

If there is a topic that you know you need to master to achieve a level of success, you can probably find out about it online. There are so many platforms available that offer free and paid classes on every subject imaginable. Experts, celebrities, professionals, and universities now service people with courses and certifications.

For example, if you want to learn screenwriting, you can take a class from a master screenwriter. If your goal is to open a Pilates studio, you can get certified through courses in various forms of the discipline and also take classes in entrepreneurship. The world of knowledge is open to everyone. What subjects are you going to research?

Practice a new hobby.

A hobby can end up being your purpose. Stay open to learning new things and stay teachable. Is there a hobby you have wanted to try but kept putting off? Learning something new causes your brain to fire and make new neural pathways, keeping your mind sharp for years to come.

Do you want a hobby in entertainment? Try narrating books, writing reviews for movies or novels, reviewing plays and musicals, or working as an extra on a movie set. How about sports? Learn how to golf, attend spin classes, or train for a 5k. How about working with your hands? Try carpentry, crocheting, or working with others to build homes for the less fortunate. Make a list of hobbies you want to try.

Create a morning routine.

One common practice many successful people follow is a morning routine. They do things first thing in the morning to set the tone for their day. Typically, they include activities that touch on every area of their life. Their morning routine might be as short as ten minutes or as long as one hour. Here are some examples of activities you can incorporate into your routine:

  • Exercise, cardiovascular or flexibility
  • Read a devotional, the Bible, and a chapter from a personal development book
  • Spend time in prayer and meditation
  • Journal and make a to-do list
  • Send an encouraging email or text to someone
  • Sit quietly with your coffee or tea and appreciate the view

Create your own morning routine. Start small if you need to and only implement one activity for the first week, then add another action a week later.

Forgive others.

You may wonder how forgiving others will help you during this self-improvement challenge. Holding onto hurts and grievances will only block your growth and development. Unforgiveness subconsciously works against you. It can create patterns in behavior that might sabotage your progress.

You may not be able to speak forgiveness face-to-face with the person that has hurt you, but you can still pour out your heart to God and ask Him to help you forgive and release it from your heart and mind.

Will You Take the Challenge?

The only person you should compare yourself to is you. You should have your own definition of success and your own set of priorities. If you need help coming up with more self-improvement ideas or changing your mindset toward embracing growth, reach out to a counselor today for an assessment. You can reach our office by phone or online. We would love to see you succeed and achieve your goals. Take the first step today.

“Magnifier”, Courtesy of Yosef Futsum,, CC0 License; “Two-Track”, Courtesy of Louis Moncouyoux,, CC0 License; “Basket”, Courtesy of Tom Briskey,, CC0 License; “Dirt Road”, Courtesy of 30daysreplay Social Media Marketing,, CC0 License