There are so many conversations revolving around mental wellness. It seems like there is a rise in the diagnosis of various mental health disorders. This makes it important to understand what mental wellness means. A variety of areas can be included in mental wellness.

Mental wellness is not about being happy all the time. It is a balance of mind, body, emotions, and lifestyle. Keeping these four areas of ourselves in harmony in such a way that we can navigate the situations in life is how we experience it. It is being able to understand and accept our abilities to endure stress and attain personal peace.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. – John 14:27, NIV

Those diagnosed with a mental health disorder can maintain healthy mental wellness. Being able to maintain a positive mental outlook doesn’t depend on the illness. It is a result of understanding how well the person can handle life events.

What are the four key areas of mental wellness?

Because it is not simply based on the diagnosis of a mental illness, it is important to understand how the mind, body, emotions, and lifestyle play a part in the wellness of a person.

Area of the mind.

Our mind is a big part of mental health. It is where we learn and understand how we interact with the world around us. A healthy mind is dealing with stressors and understanding how our reaction to them can affect other areas of our well-being. A mental illness doesn’t always prohibit this ability. Proper treatment of mental illness can increase the ability to cope with stress and develop skills to react in a positive way.

Area of the body.

Keeping a healthy body is related to mental wellness. Through proper diet, exercise, and rest our bodies can achieve a healthy balance of body and mind. Some genetic factors can affect this balance so it is important to be sure those are addressed as well.

Area of the emotions.

Emotions are affected by thoughts on a regular basis. When we feel as though we have a reason for existing, we normally have positive emotions. Our ability to interact with others can also affect our mental wellness. Being emotionally secure in beliefs and self is a foundation for having positive thoughts and emotions.

Area of lifestyle.

It is no surprise that lifestyle affects mental wellness. Everything about life can affect us in either a positive or negative way. No one is immune to stressful situations. Work, school, family, finances, health, and spiritual well-being can disrupt the balance of lifestyle and mental health.

Learning to maintain healthy mental wellness.

There are ways to ensure a healthy level of mental wellness. Even if there is a diagnosis that needs to be addressed through the use of medications there is a healthy level of wellness for the mind, body, and soul. Choosing healthy lifestyle habits is key to maintaining a balance in the areas of mental wellness. Exercising, choosing a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep are the three key factors in maintaining wellness.

When regular exercise is part of a daily routine it can produce positive self-esteem, which can increase the overall mental outlook of the individual. Adding a healthy diet to the care of the body can increase the health of various organs.

This will result in an individual having the ability to enjoy various activities with friends and family. Getting enough sleep is how the body rests and rebuilds. Decreasing or eliminating harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol can increase the healthy balance in mental wellness.

Having close friends can also create positive mental wellness. The feeling of belonging generates a sense of well-being. This is a result of having a friend or group of friends that promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Next steps.

Understanding your mental wellness starts with understanding the well-being of the other areas of your life. If you are experiencing areas that are unhealthy, start with addressing those issues. As you address each issue you can then work on your whole self.

If you feel like you need assistance in understanding the unhealthy areas of your life, reach out to our reception team at Rockwall Christian Counseling. They can schedule an appointment for you with a Christian counselor in Rockwall, Texas who can provide faith-based plans to help you navigate to a healthy place.

“Sunset Over the Water”, Courtesy of Ave Calvar,, Unsplash+ License; “Sunset”, Courtesy of Sapan Patel,, CC0 License; “Watching the Sunset”, Courtesy of Warren Wong,, CC0 License