
Why Do Codependent Relationships Happen? Signs of Codependency

By |2024-07-19T13:24:26+00:00July 19th, 2024|Codependency, Couples Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Codependent relationships are when two people are excessively reliant on one other for a combination of emotional, mental, practical, and spiritual support. Together they develop a sort of imbalanced rhythm of give and take, with one person caring, giving, and nurturing while the other receives, controls, and directs. On the surface, these kinds of agreements might look copasetic, and it can be difficult to even detect the signs of codependency. Eventually, though, codependent partnerships are damaging and draining for those involved. Why do codependent relationships happen? People are complex and everyone is carrying around varying degrees of trauma. There could be events and experiences from as far back as childhood that have affected us and shaped the way we connect with others. For example, if our parents were neglectful of us as children, we might grow up with an anxious attachment style, meaning that we fear being alone or abandoned. We learned at an early age that it is possible to be forgotten about, and we developed ways of manipulating people’s attention and affection to avoid being left alone again. Sometimes it happens that we meet someone who has trauma or experiences similar to our own. Behind most codependent relationships is a fear of abandonment, low self-esteem, an inability to express emotions and needs, and an unwillingness to face problems. Some people are naturally empathetic and find genuine meaning in giving and serving others. When this instinct is combined with a fear of abandonment or emotional insecurity, however, those empathetic motivations become selfish. That person might be showing kindness simply to manipulate people into liking them. On the other hand, some people are narcissistic and have an elevated opinion of themselves. To others, they might appear confident and self-assured, but they, too, often have a fear of neglect or [...]

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How Codependency Affects Children

By |2024-04-05T08:35:55+00:00November 16th, 2023|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Codependency, Family Counseling, Featured|

Within the family, codependency can have a significant impact on children. From their emotional well-being and development to current and future relationships, codependency has a deep impact on how children grow to view themselves and others. Codependent behavior can feel complex, which is why it is helpful to understand how codependency can influence children. Codependency can be a learned behavior. One of the most significant modes of learning for children is copying what they see. As a child observes their parents, they learn about how to behave and interact with others. When a parent models codependent behavior, children learn unhealthy behaviors by observing the parent. Witnessing codependent behaviors can lead children to internalize these patterns. The patterns they learn can end up affecting future relationships as children carry them into their teen years and adulthood. The emotional impact of codependency. Every child experiences different emotions based on their unique tendencies, how they are raised, and the circumstances in which they live. When a child grows up in a codependent household they can sometimes feel responsible for the well-being of their parent or another family member. This can lead to experiencing an array of emotions, including confusion, anxiety, guilt, shame, and resentment. Loss of individuality from codependency. As a child grows up in a codependent home, they learn to prioritize the needs of others over their own. This shifts the focus from developing a sense of self as they are always concerned about the other person. As the child grows they may find it difficult to form their own identity. Codependency leads to a lack of boundaries. The lines between personal boundaries are often blurred in codependent relationships. The lack of personal boundaries being modeled for the child can make it difficult to understand how to implement them later in [...]

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