People are hardwired to need relationships, but because we live in a sinful world, our relationships often have complicated dynamics. We can face a variety of issues in even our best relationships. We may struggle to develop meaningful relationships or find ourselves unsatisfied with our friendships. We may even find it hard to trust others.

Christian relationship counseling can help. If you live around Rockwall, Texas, the professional counselors at Rockwall Christian Counseling will bring their education and experience to bear, along with faith-based resources to provide a well-rounded approach to relationship counseling.

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(972) 694-0137

Relationship issues come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Here are a few of the more common ones:

Communication issues. It has been said that 99% of all relationship breakdowns are due to a lack of communication. People aren’t mind readers so when communication breaks down, it makes the possibility of misunderstanding and hurt that much greater.

Lack of intimacy. God intended sexual intimacy to be a blessing that is indulged in strictly within the boundaries of the marriage covenant. Failure to be intimate in marriage opens the door to far more serious issues such as adultery or abandonment.

Resentment. Resentment has been labeled the “marriage killer” and for good reason. When resentment enters any relationship it can be hard to pull back from the brink. Christian relationship counseling can help you identify the causes of resentment and learn to overcome it.

Emotional abandonment. Emotional abandonment occurs when one person in a relationship causes the other person to feel discarded, undesired, left behind, or insecure. Sometimes the impact of childhood emotional abandonment creates issues in adult relationships.

Differences about how to handle finances. If money is the number one source of stress in a marriage, differences of opinion about how to handle it are a close second. Professional relationship counseling can help you work through those differences and establish a solid plan for managing your finances.

Difficulty making or keeping friends. Life is meant to be done in community with others. However, some people have difficulty either making or keeping friends. Christian relationship counseling can help you discover why you struggle and how to overcome your problems.

Do your relationships feel shallow? Is there some barrier between you and the ability to form good relationships? If this describes you, the licensed therapists at Rockwall Christian Counseling can help. They will work with you to find the underlying causes and equip you with effective tools to develop the necessary relationship skills, regardless of the causes.

The causes of relationship issues are too numerous to count, but here are some of the more common ones.

Negative relationship experiences. Problems in past relationships can affect relationships in the present. For example, if you experienced physical abuse in a past relationship you might struggle to trust others.

Anger. Anger is an emotion that can be good or bad depending on a host of factors. If you are characterized by anger it may deter others from wanting to pursue a deeper relationship with you. Anger that others see as “unrighteous” can do enormous damage to relationships.

Inability to effectively communicate. Expressing oneself and listening to the other is the heart and soul of a relationship, so where it is hindered or absent, the relationship can suffer.

Stage of life differences. Parents and children can struggle to relate to one another due to differences in stage of life, causing ruptures in their relationships.

Mental health issues. Any kind of mental health issue can produce tension and friction in a relationship, so it is best to deal with them as soon as possible.

Substance abuse and addiction. These types of issues can alter behavior in negative ways, affecting trustworthiness, reliability, and safety within a relationship.

If any of these sound like you, give us a call. Relationship counseling at Rockwall Christian Counseling can help you find the root causes of your relationship issues and provide you with the tools to overcome them. If you are looking for Christian relationship counseling around Rockwall, Texas, give us a call today.

There are many benefits to Christian relationship counseling. Here are a few:

  • Learning how to build healthy relationships.
  • Strengthening your relationship with Christ
  • Overcoming barriers to connections with people
  • Learning how to make and be a friend
  • Healing from inner wounds
  • Nurturing healthy family dynamics
  • Overcoming fears

If you are struggling with relationship issues, the compassionate counselors at Rockwall Christian Counseling can help. We offer a comprehensive approach to relationship counseling that takes into consideration your past and present.

The Christian counselors at Rockwall provide hope for the future through the use of proven counseling approaches coupled with a strong faith in the power of God to bring healing. If you are looking for Christian counseling around Rockwall, Texas, reach out to us today.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(972) 694-0137