Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV

Marriage counseling can benefit couples at any stage of their relationship, from newlyweds to new parents, empty nesters to golden anniversaries. The game of life offers plenty of twists and turns, surprises and challenges, some welcome and others that snag individuals and partners into turmoil. Additionally, people enter a relationship with both complementary and conflicting experiences and expectations. The resulting comingling of challenges, personalities, and expectations can make relational dynamics complicated.

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Many couples are surprised to discover that their marriage relationship does not magically make life better and easier. Even spouses who would describe their marriage as strong, having maneuvered many winding roads over the years, may encounter a situation that causes them to need to seek guidance.

Christian marriage counseling in Rockwall, Texas offers tools that can help couples live out the truth of Ecclesiastes 4:12, learning to become each other’s strong defender as they weave God’s love into their relationship.

At Rockwall Christian Counseling, marriage therapy will equip you, as individuals and as a couple, to work together toward greater health in your relationship. Depending on your situation, you may meet with a counselor for a limited number of sessions, for example, once a week over three months, to address a specific issue that has arisen. More complex issues, such as unraveling patterns of behavior and expectations of family roles which you brought into your relationship inherited from your family of origin, could involve sessions with your therapist over a longer term.

However long you and your counselor decide to meet, your marriage counselor at Rockwall Christian Counseling will help you to recognize your thoughts and feelings regarding the issue at hand and identify how you can work together to solve the problem in mutually beneficial ways. Your marriage counselor will work to create a safe environment for you to talk through whatever is on your mind.

Think about a complicated project you have undertaken, whether it was something for work or planning a family vacation to a place you had never been. What steps did you need to take? How did you break it down into manageable chunks? What kind of time did you allocate for each step and for the project as a whole? What advice did you seek from others who had worked on a similar project, and how was their experience able to help you?

Now consider your marriage as a similarly complicated project. You may have anticipated that it would be all roses and rainbows, but you have since discovered that roses have thorns and rainbows come out after a storm. You need advice from an expert source, someone who knows the steps and can help you navigate the process, avoiding obstacles now and in the future. Involving someone who will approach your project—in this case, your marriage—from an unbiased perspective can be a tremendous help.

Marriage counseling in Rockwall, Texas will also give you time away from the demands of life to focus on your relationship. You might already have a regular date night, and your counselor will suggest other ways to communicate your love and support for one another.

At Rockwall Christian Counseling, your counselor will be an excellent listener, a sounding board, and a trained intermediary if things get tense. Your counselor will encourage you to recognize patterns of behavior and ways that you relate to one another that could be or become troublesome. Furthermore, your counselor will expect you to practice what you’ve discussed between your therapy sessions and will help you track your progress toward a healthier relationship.

To get the most out of marriage counseling in Rockwall, Texas, ideally both partners ought to be present at each session. Marriage counselors are trained to notice both verbal and nonverbal communication, such as words of affirmation and handholding, as indicators as to whether a relationship is healthy. Sometimes it happens, however, that one of you might be unable or reluctant to participate. If that is your situation, you can still attend marriage counseling on your own to talk through your own attitudes and actions and learn to be a healthier person in a relationship.

Please understand your counselor will hold space for each of you to express your feelings honestly and vulnerably. The entire range of emotions will be welcome and must be aired so that you can learn and grow together. This may feel difficult and involve heated emotions, raised voices, and tears. Your situation may be different but if the conversation gets tense on occasion, please know that that is perfectly normal.

Toward the close of each session, your counselor may offer guidance for ways you can take a positive step forward and tips for addressing potential problems. They may also suggest exercises you can do on your own and together before your next session. Please take the between-sessions work seriously as it will be a huge help in your overall experience of therapy.

Topics covered in marriage counseling will be entirely up to you based on your unique individual and relational needs. Examples may include:

  • Couples who want to build, or rebuild, a solid foundation for marital health, including developing tools and practices that will equip them to communicate effectively, handle conflict constructively, and support their partner and marriage in loving ways.
  • Couples facing a major life-transition, such as having a baby, sending your child off to college, a job change or retirement, or moving homes.
  • Couples whose relationship has become mundane, who have begun to treat each other more like roommates than marital partners, or who feel a loss in their sexual chemistry.
  • Couples who have difficulties communicating about or finding solutions to unequal household or family responsibilities.
  • Couples wrestling with different points of view on parenting, financial, or lifestyle issues.
  • Couples who have a child or other family member facing a challenge, such as an eating disorder or addiction issues.
  • Couples in which one spouse feels consistently unheard by a spouse who appears to be emotionally unavailable.
  • Couples who repeatedly hash out the same fight without progress toward a solution.
  • Couples who have experienced a tragedy or loss, such as the death of a loved one or a sudden change in health, and are having trouble coming to terms with it.
  • Couples dealing with substance abuse, infidelity, or mental health issues.

Human beings are multifaceted, created by God with a heart, soul, mind, and body. Many times, marriage counseling addresses a couple’s mental and emotional health and their physical relationship, while failing to consider the role of the soul in our total well-being.

Approaching marriage counseling from a Christian perspective will take heart, mind, body, and soul into consideration. Your therapist will ask you to consider how God figures in your relationship with each other and the world. God brought you together to strengthen one another and to bless your family, your neighborhood, your community, and your church.

Next Steps

Feel free to browse our online counselor directory if you would like additional support for your marriage. Contact our reception team today at Rockwall Christian Counseling in Texas. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your situation and assist you in developing practical techniques to approach your marriage from a Christian perspective.

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Please contact our reception team at
(972) 694-0137