We are creatures of habit. We have our routines that we create, consciously or otherwise, and we tend to stick to them. Our habits extend to our thoughts, the way we view ourselves, and the various experiences we know we can rely on for comfort and to restore our sense of ourselves. All of this grounds us and allows us to live our lives with a sense of what to expect.

Being a teenager can be a difficult phase of life because of all the change happening in one’s life. Habits, routines, emotions, and bodies seem to change overnight. If older people struggle to negotiate change, we can be sure it might be difficult for a teen.

Teens experience seismic changes, which can be challenging without the right tools. The counselors at Rockwall Christian Counseling in Rockwall, Texas want to help you and your teen navigate these years successfully.

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(972) 694-0137

Every parent or caregiver has tools in their parenting toolkit. One tool that’s available is counseling, but the question is when to use it. When might your teen need counseling? If they are facing a challenge and you are struggling to cope or to know how to come alongside them, you can seek help from a professional counselor.

If you see that your child is struggling, you should consider finding help for them. Indications of struggle include them picking up new habits such as eating to comfort themselves. You may also see substance abuse or an increased withdrawing from others. Likewise, if they stop doing things they used to enjoy, or if their grades suffer, those could be red flags that help is needed. You know your child best, and you can tell if things aren’t okay in their world.

When we’re struggling with anything from depression, anxiety, or chronic stress, it shows up in our emotional, mental, and physical state. Drastic changes in weight, sleep problems, changes in eating habits, body image angst, irritability – all of these can point to potential issues that may need to be addressed through professional counseling.

There are many concerning things in a teen’s environment, both externally and within them. Christian counseling for teens addresses a wide gamut of concerns that might affect your teen, from body image issues, gender dysphoria, struggles with faith, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, anger issues, loneliness, stress, trouble in school, autism spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, and so much more.

The counselors at Rockwall Christian Counseling can help you and your teen as they deal with these and other concerns. With compassion, wisdom, and empathy, your counselor will walk with you and your teen to help them develop the coping skills they need to live a vibrant and fulfilling life.

The attitude and mindset that you have as you approach a problem can make a huge difference in your success as you deal with that issue. Counseling helps by identifying the negative patterns of thought and behavior that can undermine a person’s mental and emotional health. Some of these include turning to food to soothe feelings or avoiding dealing with difficult emotions and situations.

Not only does counseling identify these unhealthy patterns and habits, but your teen’s counselor can help them to develop healthy habits and patterns of thought that promote their wellbeing. Through counseling, a teen can develop positive self-regard, a healthy relationship with their body and with food, good relationships with others, and the ability to cope in difficult situations. They can learn the tools for being emotionally resilient.

Christian counselor at Rockwall Chrisitan Counseling can provide a space for your teen to process their thoughts and emotions, and to grow their vocabulary and ability to express those difficult or complicated thoughts and emotions. Through counseling, your teen can develop their self-awareness, understand and appreciate their strengths, as well as develop a growth mindset about areas in their lives where they may be struggling.

Yes, counseling for teens is effective in helping them accomplish meaningful goals. In many instances, counseling alone can make a significant impact in a teen’s life. However, when dealing with certain mental health conditions such as severe depression or anxiety disorders, often medication will be prescribed in combination with counseling for an effective overall approach.

Whatever your teen is going through, the counselors at Rockwall Christian Counseling in Texas are willing to walk alongside them towards healing and wholeness. If you are looking for Christian counselors in Rockwall, Texas, to address your teen’s concerns from an approach that integrates the resources from the Christian faith, reach out to the team at Rockwall Christian Counseling to get the help you need.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(972) 694-0137