The term codependency is thrown around a lot these days, frequently without being clearly defined. In casual conversation, it is often used to describe two people who spend a lot of time together and, at least to the person using the term, it is seemingly in an unhealthy way. However, this use of the term does not paint an accurate picture of what codependency truly is.

Codependency is where one person in a relationship is addicted to something, and the other person is addicted to being needed. The classic example of this is alcoholism, where one person is addicted to alcohol and their spouse finds fulfillment in being needed by their alcoholic spouse. It becomes a vicious circle where the alcoholic needs the care of the other partner, but the partner needs to feel needed by the alcoholic and their care enables the alcoholic to continue their addiction to alcohol.

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Codependency can have a whole host of different symptoms. Some of the more common ones include:

  • Taking things personally
  • Low self-esteem
  • Inability or extreme difficulty saying in saying no
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Inability to leave toxic relationship.
  • Pervasive worry about one’s relationships
  • Hypersensitivity to the thoughts and feelings of others
  • Abandonment anxiety
  • The need to be a people pleaser at all costs
  • Inability or struggle to establish personal boundaries
  • Controlling behavior
  • Crippling fear of rejection
  • Strong desire to correct others’ behavior or personalities

One of the challenges of codependency is it can be quite complex and affect each relationship differently. However, though the signs may vary from relationship to relationship, there are some common signs.

If you are often left feeling unappreciated, disrespected, or not good enough no matter how much effort you put in, you may be in a co-dependent relationship. Likewise, if your entire life revolves around the life of another person, to the point that you hide your own emotions or craft them around the opinions of another, you may be stuck in codependency. You may prioritize the other person’s needs before your own or feel guilty or afraid to leave a relationship.

Individuals in codependent relationships repeatedly find themselves in abusive partnerships. It’s a struggle for them to set proper boundaries, leaving them depressed, anxious, and driven by the praise of another.

The counselors at Rockwall Christian Counseling in Rockwall, Texas, are ready to help you overcome this enslavement to codependency. A trained Christian therapist will help you find healing and stability in your relationship.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for codependency. However, in you live near Rockwall, TX, several treatment options are available. A Christian counselor at Rockwall Christian Therapy, trained in codependency, will help you determine which one is right for you.

Treatment methods include:

Family counseling. This is aimed at helping codependent families overcome codependent behavior patterns, heal emotional wounds, and establish healthy relationships.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This will help you analyze your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so you can take control of and assume responsibility for your life, choices, and personal happiness.

Psychotherapy. This form of treatment helps you discover and work through events in your past that may have contributed to your codependency.

Marriage counseling. This kind of therapy aims to help codependent couples end toxic behaviors and codependent relationship patterns.

Your counselor will analyze your situation and develop a treatment strategy that includes some or all of the following objectives:

  • Discerning patterns and dynamics within the family.
  • Engaging in self-care.
  • Developing boundary-setting skills.
  • Building confidence.
  • Overcoming controlling or manipulative behaviors.
  • Learning to help others to help themselves.

At Rockwall Christian Counseling, we want you to live a fulfilling, purposeful life that is in keeping with your beliefs and values. Christian counseling for codependency aims to remind you that God loves you, and that has a purpose for you. Rather than seeking approval from others, God wants you to live for Him. The counselors at Rockwall Christian Counseling can journey with you on the road to honest self-evaluation followed by the development of healthy relationships.

If you believe you are or might be in a codependent relationship, Christian counseling for codependency can help change how you see yourself, your relationships, and your God-given identity, and happiness. Overcoming codependency may take time, but it is time well-spent that leads to recovery.

If you live in the Rockwall, Texas area and you’re tired of the grind of a codependent relationship, Christian counseling for codependency can help. Call Rockwall Christian Counseling today at (972) 694-0137, browse our online counselor directory, or contact us online to schedule your risk-free initial session.

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