Couples counseling can be useful for those who are dating or engaged or those who are in a long-distance relationship. Life presents all manner of challenges to us as individuals and partners. It’s also no secret that people come together in a relationship with different experiences and expectations. This combination of life challenges, personalities, and expectations can make for complicated relational dynamics.

Most couples enter a relationship anticipating that life will be better and/or easier together and that life together will be mutually beneficial. Many are surprised to discover that that is not always the case. Even those in a healthy and strong relationship may encounter an issue or life change that prompts a search for help.

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Christian couples counseling in Rockwall, Texas will offer tools and tips to help you live out the truth of Proverbs 27:17, learning to sharpen one another so that both people become better, stronger, more effective, and more of who God created them to be.

At Rockwall Christian Counseling, couples therapy will focus on equipping you to move forward as a couple in greater relational health. It may be brief, for example, twelve sessions, and centered on preparing for your life together or focused on addressing a specific issue that has arisen in your relationship. Alternatively, it could involve sessions with your therapist over a long term to unravel unhelpful expectations and/or patterns of behavior based on your family of origin.

Either way, couples counseling in Rockwall, Texas will help you to identify your individual perspectives and what you bring to and need from the relationship. It can help you address current or potential relational issues in ways that will resolve problems for everyone’s benefit. Your couples counselor has been specifically trained to create a safe space in which you will diagnose your relational challenges and talk through whatever is on your mind.

Have you ever worked on a 1,000-piece puzzle, or a complicated project at work, and after a while you just can’t see it anymore? Having another set of eyes on the situation by involving someone who will approach your wonderful yet puzzling project with a fresh and unbiased perspective—in this case, your relationship—can be beneficial.

Also, you’ve surely noticed that life moves along at a quick clip. Couples therapy at Rockwall Christian Counseling will encourage you to take time out from the busyness of everyday life to devote to your relationship. For example, you may have a regular date night just for fun, and counseling can offer you tools to be intentional in your conversations in ways that bolster your ongoing love and support for one another.

Your counselor can help you to identify behavioral and relational patterns that may be or become problematic and provide tools to help you chart a new and more beautiful course as necessary. He or she will also serve as an excellent listener and trained intermediary when or if things get tense. Additionally, your counselor will hold you accountable to put into practice what you’ve discussed during therapy sessions. You will learn to replace unhelpful words and actions with alternatives that will strengthen your relationship.

Couples counseling will be most effective when both partners are present during therapy sessions. Your counselor will want to see firsthand how you communicate and interact with each other. Both verbal and nonverbal communication, such as affirming words or crossed arms, can be important indicators of relational health or the lack of it. However, if your partner is unable to attend or feels reluctant to participate, you can attend counseling sessions alone to learn more about yourself, your role in the relationship, and how to conduct yourself in healthier ways.

If this will be your first experience with therapy, you should come prepared with the understanding that your therapist will attempt to create a space for both you and your partner to let out feelings that may not have been aired previously. All emotions are valid, yet they must be let out into the open in order that you can both learn and grow together. This can be difficult work and may occasionally involve heated emotions, raised voices, and tears. Your experience may be different, but if the temperature rises and the conversation gets tense from time to time, please know that that is perfectly normal.

Ideally, by the end of each session, you will have instructions for how to take at least one positive step forward and tips for solving problems that might arise. Your counselor may also assign you homework to be completed individually or cooperatively before your next session. Please take your homework seriously as it will significantly aid the overall effectiveness of your therapy experience.

The topics covered in couples counseling vary widely based on your specific individual and relational needs. Some examples of those who will find therapy helpful may include:

  • Couples who want to build or rebuild a solid foundation for their ongoing relational health, including developing tools and practices that will equip them to communicate effectively, handle conflict constructively, and support their partner and relationship in loving ways.
  • Couples facing a major life-transition, such as discerning whether to get engaged or preparing for marriage, a job change, or moving homes.
  • Couples whose jobs require them to live at a distance and need help communicating and maintaining a personal connection over the physical distance between them.
  • Couples whose relationship has become mundane and desire to rekindle a romantic spark.
  • Couples who have difficulties communicating about or finding solutions to a significant difference in expectations versus realities.
  • Couples wrestling with different points of view on parenting, financial, or lifestyle issues.
  • Couples who have a family member facing a challenge, such as an eating disorder or addiction issues.
  • Couples in which one partner feels consistently unheard by a partner who seems to be emotionally unavailable.
  • Couples who repeatedly hash out the same fight without progress toward a solution.
  • Couples who have experienced a tragedy or loss, such as the death of a loved one or a sudden change in health and are having trouble coming to terms with it.
  • Couples dealing with significant challenges such as substance abuse or mental health issues.

One of the teachers of the law … asked [Jesus], “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”Matthew 22:36-39, NIV

God created humans as multifaceted beings, giving every one of us a heart, soul, mind, and body. Often, couples counseling will address a couple’s mental and emotional health, and perhaps their physical relationship as appropriate, while neglecting the soul and its role in our holistic health.

At Rockwall Christian Counseling, couples therapy from a Christian perspective will address the totality of your identity as an individual in a relationship. Your counselor will help you consider your relationship with God in addition to how you interact with each other and the world in God-honoring ways. God brought you together in a relationship to sharpen one another through your individual strengths and gifts. God also provides opportunities for your relationship to bless your family, your neighborhood, your community, and your church as you serve Him side-by-side.

Next Steps

If you’re looking for additional support for your relationship, feel free to contact a counselor at Rockwall Christian Counseling using our online counselor directory. We would be happy to meet with you to discuss your unique situation and help you develop practical techniques for approaching your relationship from a Christian perspective.

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(972) 694-0137