Abandonment issues or neglect may be present even in the best of homes where there is no trace of any kind of abuse. Issues related to abandonment and neglect often lie relatively hidden, so that they are not addressed until their consequences begin to manifest in broken relationships, often long after the abandonment or neglect occurred.

At Rockwall Christian Counseling, we want to help you work through any issues related to abandonment and neglect. Christian counselors in Rockwall, Texas are on hand to provide professional, faith-based counseling to any who have suffered abandonment or neglect and to help them find healing.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(972) 694-0137

Abandonment issues may be defined as the failure to have vital contact with a spouse or child intended to create a permanent separation in order to forgo one’s legal and moral duties and rights.

Neglect is the disregard of one’s legal or moral duties to care for the needs of a spouse, child, or any other dependent, including, but not limited to food, clothing, shelter, medication, emotional support, or other basic needs.

Child abandonment or neglect

Child abandonment is a crime that happens when a parent or legal guardian refuses to show concern for the health and welfare of a child who is legally or morally under their care. Similarly, child neglect is where a parent or legal guardian fails to adequately provide for the welfare, health, or safety of a child or children for whom they have legal or moral responsibility.

Marital abandonment or neglect

Marital abandonment occurs when one’s spouse leaves a marriage with neither mutual agreement nor justification and refuses to carry out his or her legal and moral responsibilities to their partner regarding support, welfare, intimacy, etc. Marital neglect, likewise, is a withholding of these things without adequate justification.

Senior dependent neglect

Senior neglect is when things necessary for a senior dependent’s health, safety, and welfare are not provided, are inadequately provided, or are consciously withheld by the caregiver who is legally or morally responsible for providing them.

Signs of abandonment and neglect can be many and varied, but here are a few of the more common ones:

  • Self-isolation
  • Insecurity or chronic anxiety
  • Depression
  • Substance abuse
  • Drug use
  • Loss of control
  • Panic attacks
  • Emotional overreaction to criticism, insults, or being left out
  • Obsessing about abandonment
  • Unwanted flashbacks
  • Social vulnerability
  • Lack of self-esteem or a poor self-image
  • Grief
  • Self-doubt
  • Shame
  • Trust issues
  • Hopelessness and despair

If you are experiencing these symptoms of abandonment or neglect, contact Rockwall Christian Counseling for help. We have professional Christian counselors in Rockwall, Texas available to help.

Recovery from the devastating effects of abandonment or neglect is definitely possible. You can overcome your struggles and find healing from the pain that you have experienced. Abandonment and neglect issues may often go unaddressed, but they are far more common than you might think. Neither abandonment nor neglect need to define your identity, control your life, or chart your future. Find support from the Christian counselors in Rockwall, Texas.

Every case is different, and no one’s path to healing is precisely the same as the next person’s. The counselors at Rockwall Christian Counseling in Texas will work closely with you to determine both the duration of the counseling you need and what type or types of counseling and counseling techniques will best suit your situation and your needs. Browse our online counselor directory today to find the best practitioner for you.

Human beings are complicated, and we live in a sinful world. Our lives and family dynamics can be tough to understand and come to grips with on our own, so getting help from a professional Christian counselor in Rockwall, Texas may be needed. However, know that you are not alone. There is help for those who have suffered from abandonment or neglect.

God has said that He will never leave nor forsake us and that He cares for us. A Christian counselor can offer compassionate, faith-based therapy that will help you overcome the distrust, grief, and pain.

Getting to the root causes of your fear of abandonment will help you begin the grief process that is necessary to overcome and find healing.

At Rockwall Christian Counseling, your therapist will help you develop the tools to confront the effects of abandonment or neglect. To find out more, browse our online Christian counselor directory, or call us at (469) 333-6163.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(972) 694-0137